
Our unique and compliant solutions help you to scale your business to the next level.

The Digital Revolution is transforming the financial services industry by engendering greater efficiency, lowering costs and disrupting traditional ways of doing business. At the same time, with increasing investor sophistication and rapidly changing regulations, having a compliant and scalable business model is critical for your business survival and growth. At iFAST, we revolutionize your business with our know-how and experience, whether you are a commissions-only distributor or fee-based wealth adviser - the future is here!

Products & Services

Products & Services

Our wide range of products and services enable you to stand out from the rest.

Technology & Support

Technology & Support

Track and transact anytime, anywhere with our advanced technology and support system.



We provide you with expert and in-depth research to help you give better investment advice.


Training & Events

Training & Events

We provide you with all the training required to help you stay relevant and effective.